Play Therapy

Play therapy is a theoretically based approach that uses the normal means of interaction with children, specifically, play. Play has been recognized as important since the time of Plato (429-347 B.C.) who reportedly observed, “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.”  I use play therapy to help children express what is bothering them when verbal language to express their feelings is not working.  Through the language of play I am able to understand more what the child is struggling within him or her self or in the family and/or in school.  Once this is discovered, I can help the child and the parents to be the best family they can be. I like to work in cooperation with the parents and to work as a team.

Through the play, cognitive development can be promoted, insight may be provided, and help to resolve the inner conflicts the child may be experiencing.  In addition, children learn to communicate with others, express feelings, modify behaviors, develop problem solving skills and learn new ways of relating. Sometimes the child can better express through symbols what is going on within them; then use of the sand trays and the many miniatures available becomes important.
Often children will say when asked what they did in therapy is, “We just played”, but it really is much more than that!


Benefits from Play Therapy
• Become responsible for behaviors
• Develop creative solutions
• Develop respect for others and self acceptance
• Learn to experience and express emotion
• Cultivate empathy for thoughts and feelings of others
• Learn new social skills and relational skills with family
• Develop self-efficacy and confidence about abilities